The party/celebration is over. It’s way later than midnight. And you are so tired. So that once you get home, you plunge in your bed. The makeup removal stage? skipped. Some even consider tant last step useless (or even a shame, because it’s so beautiful this make-up!). Error. Big mistake.
It’s way later than midnight. And you are so tired. So that once you get home, you plunge in your bed. The make-up removal stage? skipped. Some even consider tant last step useless (or even a shame, because it’s so beautiful this make-up!).
Error. Big mistake.
Of course sleep is a priority. It comes before work, before the to do list, before the meal (uh…?), and above all, before the time-consuming make-up removal stage. Cleaning your face, removing make-up from your eyes, moisturizing your skin, it’s already too much to even think about it.
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We fell into Morpheus’ arms, carefree, convinced that it would not make much difference.
Don’t and here is why…
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The Mascara

Sleeping with your mascara is to be avoided at all costs! It really can damage your lashes.
We know the story…Removing a waterproof mascara can be long and difficult. It is designed to last a long time and the make-up removal process can weaken lashes. It is therefore important to remove it gently and in several steps, to ensure that there are no more residues.
The right tools: An oil-based make-up remover or a two-phase make-up remover. You can then complete the eye make-up removal with a softer « normal » make-up remover to remove oil and mascara residues.
Dry lashes
Waterproof mascara tends to dry out lashes. Indeed, it contains ingredients that make mascara last longer. This can cause your eyelashes to fall off.
So, Don’t sleep in makeup! This is even more important if you have waterproof mascara on.
Your eyelashes can be weakened by mascara ingredients and drop. And the longer it stays on your lashes, the harder it will be to remove it. So, even if the make-up removal will take longer, do it anyway, your eyelashes will thank you!
Remember! If you remove your makeup the next morning, chances are many of them will leave with it. But worse, it can even be dangerous to your eyes by slipping inside them, causing irritation.
Hello bacterias

During the day, you go out and expose your skin to pollution, for example. Even if you don’t wear make-up, it’s also important to clean your face.
Sleeping without being cleansed can « clog » your pores and prevent the sebum from making a living. As a result, we let the bacteria grow slowly and we facilitate the developing of imperfections and having dilated pores.
Redness and desquamation guaranteed! Not easy to treat at the same time as a pimple outbreak, also caused by a bad care routine.
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Skin natural regeneration
During the night, the skin must regenerate, it must breathe so that you can look good the next day. When you put makeup on your face and fall asleep with it, you create a barrier on the surface of the skin and the irritations remain locked inside. This can cause intensive allergies and promotes acne, blackheads and fouling.
Any dermatologist will tell you, that you should avoid sleeping with your makeup on. Your pores can’t breath and soon you start conveying the image of a person 10 years older. Indeed, by sleeping with makeup on your face you cannot sleep properly and you are unconsciously accelerating the aging of your skin.
At night, the skin is renewed and repaired. A good night’s sleep helps to keep skin healthy and complexion bright. It is the best way to ensure beautiful skin when you wake up.
Lipstick? Cracks!

Your long-lasting lipstick may give you some trouble to remove, but this effort is really worth it. Keeping a lipstick all night long is the assurance of having your mouth dry. The result? when you wake up, say hello to crevasses and other cracks
Foundation clogs your pores, preventing them from breathing. The night therefore allows them to regenerate themselves and thus avoid pimples. Breathing skin is healthy skin!
Cleaning your face before going to bed also means eliminating all the impurities, aggressions and pollution that your skin has to deal with during the day. Between the bacteria on your hands, your phone or your keyboard, it is a permanent attack on your skin!
Ok Laura I understand. Now what?
Have perfect skin in one night?
You’re tired or stressed, and it’s starting to show on your face? However, you have to look great for this romantic dinner, wedding or professional meeting. Fortunately, there are a few recipes for perfect skin overnight.
Sleep, the ally of beautiful skin!
Sleep allows you to capitalize on the beauty of your skin. And in the long term. Avoid agitated, smoky and alcoholic nights as much as possible. Prefer a quick bedtime after a light meal and a quiet, warm evening. Try to sleep eight hours straight to get plenty of sleep and allow your skin to rest as well. If you have trouble falling asleep, consider making a chamomile or lime blossom tea. A few drops of essential oils on your pillow can also help.
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Good hydration for beautiful skin

Your skin is the first line of defence against daily aggressions and pollution. It is important to hydrate it throughout the day, drinking at least 1.5 L of water per day. But also at bedtime and when you get up.
Before slipping between the sheets, remove make-up carefully with milk or micellar water, rinse your face with fresh water to tighten the pores of the skin.
Finally, apply a night cream with a small circular massage. Your first beauty treatment for your skin in the morning is to drink a glass of water to rehydrate it.
Patches to correct small defects
There are many night patches or masks that can help you fight against tired complexion. If you have dark circles or bags under your eyes, choose patches that contain caffeine to boost your skin and tighten it.
In case of a pale complexion, those based on fruit acids help to restore a little shine. For good hydration, nothing beats cucumber and green tea.
One last thing! Should we remove our makeup when we take a nap?
I love taking naps myself, and I try to take one of at least 15 minutes each time I can, but I rarely remove my makeup just before.
What you need to know is that sleeping is always great for the complexion. Sleep allows the body and skin to rest and also has a regenerative and restorative action.
Getting a good night’s sleep is always important, but when you are overwhelmed or sleep-deprived, taking a nap can help you regain a bright and rested complexion.
If you take a 15 to 20 minute nap, you can keep your makeup and skip the makeup removal box.
Want to know more about your look, discover How To Have A Great Looking Eyes! All The Things You Ignore
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